Membership Form Membership Form I/We wish to apply for membership of the Drummoyne Community Centre Incorporated and agree to support the objects of the service and to abide by the Rules and Regulations as set down in its Constitution and will actively work to promote the organisation within the community and to achieve its goals. All applications for membership must be approved by the Drummoyne Community Centre Incorporated Management Committee.Please note: RENEWALS only apply to people who were paid members in the previous financial year. Are you a new member or renewing membership?(Required)--please select--NewRenewingAre you a Group member or an Individual member?(Required)--please select--Individual memberGroup memberFirst nameFirst nameLast NameDate of birth(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY Gender Male Female Other Prefer Not to Say Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Island origin? Yes No Prefer Not to Say Country of BirthLanguage Spoken at HomeDo you consider you have any disabilities? Yes No Prefer not to say Please specifyEmployment Status Full time employee Part time employee Self employed Seeking work Retired Unpaid family worker Not Seeking Work Student Other How are you involved at DCC? Volunteer Management Committee Member Hall Hirer Attend class (specify) Attend group (specify) Attend events and talks (specify) Bayrider Bus None of the above Group name:First nameHow many participants attend your group?How many participants attend your group?Email(Required) Can DCC promote your group in our electronic and printed media? Yes No Address Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Home TelephoneMobile phone numberStudent’s first language?Study location preference--Preferred study location--DrummoyneConcordWhere did you hear about DCC?Would you like to receive any of the below communications DCC Brochure or Newsletter Facebook Direct Email or Mail DCC Website Friend family or neighbour What could DCC do to improve our services/activities?Please select your membership(Required)New Individual $ 16.91Renew Individual $ 13.33New Group $ 30.75Renew Group $ 25.63A transaction charge of 2.5% has been addedTotal Credit Card(Required) Cardholder Name Card Details Consent(Required) Tick this box to sign to complete your membership applicationI confirm that I make this member application. PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ